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We Think You DO!!!!!
Got What It Takes
Message us @Mid Michigan Derby Girls Facebook Messenger to confirm practice date/time:
Sunday 10:00 am-Noon and Wednesday 6:00-8:00 pm
We'll be happy to answer any questions you have or get you ready to skate on the spot. We have skates and protective gear you can use to get started. Just bring mouth guard and water bottle!
Membership Cost for Skaters: $40 a month
$10 drop in fee

Scared? Intimidated?

Don't worry we all were!
But Betty Krack-Her and the rest of MMDG have your back. We want you! We can even train you to skate. Just drop by and check us out any time, you don't have to practice unless you want to.
But I must warn you, it's addicting!
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